• Experimentation in Chile

    When thinking about wines made from wild vines, amphora experimentalists and almost ‘natural’ fermentations, Anthony Tindal isn’t immediately seen as the flag waving follower of these more radical styles. Yet, new to our list are a number of small production parcels of wine from the outreaches of Chile, made by adventurous, educated winemakers looking to inject a bit of life into the Chilean wine trade and show the world that, while house wines remain the mainstay of Chilean production on export markets; there are many more strings to their bow. We had a selection of these wines open to taste at

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  • Anthony flies to South America just in time for the harvest.

    It’s the time of year when we are travelling the globe sourcing wines, catching up with our winemaking friends around the world and learning about the latest vintages as we go. Anthony left the cool Irish Winter and headed over to Chile and Argentina for a couple of weeks this month. His reams of tasting notes and thoughts have been slightly lost in translation, so we’re picking the best bits and filtering them into this blog… a whistlestop tour of his trip. First up it was Argentina. Landing in Mendoza Anthony brought with him the worst rains the capital had

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  • Emiliana receive the recognition they deserve.

    Emiliana named “Green Company of the Year” by Drinks Business.

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  • Bio-dynamic Masterclass: The notes!

    Alpamanta in the local native culture means “Love to Earth”. The owl on the front label represents the owl that was spotted on the site before the vineyards were  planted. Alpamanta Estate is a new venture 40 km south of Mendoza in a district called Luján de Cuyo. Last week we had a visit from one of its founders Andrej Razumovsky. Half danish, half Austrian he’s not what you’d expect from a man who places his hopes in the constellation of the stars and the bio-dynamic calendar! We organised a small gathering in Behan Lodge at The Residence to learn

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  • Coyam receives 90 points from Wine Spectator

    Coyam receives more accolades. Delicious stuff!! Perfect for these cooler evenings.

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  • Eco Balance Viognier 2010

    Eco Balance wines: Organic, environmentally friendly and helping sustain businesses in Chile.

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